Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pogona are a genus of lizards and their common name is referred to as the Bearded Dragon. The bearded dragon species originate in Australia. Bearded dragons are found throughout the arid, rocky, semi-desert regions and dry open woodlands of Australia, and they are good climbers and spend their time on branches and in bushes. They are even found on fence posts in areas where they are living near human civilization.

There are seven different sub species of the bearded dragons. Their genus names include: Pogona Barbata, Pogona Henrylawsoni, Pogona Microlepidota, Pogona Minima, Pogona Minor, Pogona Nullarbor, and Pogona Vetticeps.

-The Pogona Barbata species' common name is the Eastern Bearded Dragon, for it is found in eastern Australia. It is usually a grey-black color and is sometimes reddish-brown, yellowish-brown, or dark brown. Younger eastern bearded dragons are paler in color than the adults, and they have patterns that fade away as they mature. The adult males can grow up to about 24 inches long and the females up to 20 inches long.

-The Pogona Henrylawsoni species' common name is Lawson's Dragon. They are usually a reddish-brown or dark brown color and are usually less than 10 inches in length. This species is also called Rankin's Dragon, Dumpy Dragon, Dwarf Bearded Dragon, or the Black Soil Bearded Dragon. These dragons live up to 6 to 8 years.

-The Pogona Microlepidota species' common name is Kimberly Bearded Dragon. There is rare information on this type of species of the bearded dragons, but it seems to have multi-colors of brown, green, and reddish tints on the scales. They seem to grow up to about 14 inches in length.

- The Pogona Minima species' common name is Western Bearded Dragon, for it is found in western parts of Australia and also the southwest coasts. There is rare information on this type of species of the bearded dragons, but mostly lives in woodland areas and is a large species with many variable colors. The most common color is a shade of green.

- The Pogona Minor species is a widespread type related to the Pogona Minima, which they both share the common name Western Bearded Dragon. They are large lizards, measuring in 38 centimeters in length. They have a chameleon-like color, which means they can either blend into their environment or present a brighter display during interaction with other animals.

-The Pogona Nullarbor species' common name is Banded Bearded Dragon. This type of species is classified as being a rare species of the bearded dragons. They often have pales bands on their backs and tails, and they reach a length of about 14 inches long.

- The Pogona Vitticeps species' common name is Central Bearded Dragon. They are also known as Inland Bearded Dragon. This species is very popularly kept as a pet and are also exhibited in zoos. Adults of this species usually grow to be about 2 feet in length, and they come in a wide variety of colors, including brown, grey, reddish-brown, and orange. They are also capable of undergoing a very slight changes in the shade of their color to help regulate temperature.

The bearded dragon is part of the Agamidae family. The average male can grow up to about 2 feet in length including the tail, and the average life span can go up to about 10 years. They enjoy to live in the arid regions, rocky regions, semi-desert regions and dry open woodlands. It is called "bearded" dragon because of the dragon's ability to flare out the skin in its throat area when it is threatened or is being territorial. Its body has a flattened appearance which becomes bigger if the dragon feels threatened. There are spines on the throat, sides of the head, and sides of the body and has a wedge-shaped head. The bearded dragon's tail is almost as long as its own body, and they usually weigh up to 600 grams. To distinguish the sex of a bearded dragon, the males generally have larger heads and larger, darker beards. The bearded dragon species is not on the list of endangerment.

Bearded dragons reach sexual maturity and start to breed between the ages of 8 to 18 months. The male is usually at least 18 months old and the female about 24 months old. Their cool down periods occur during the winter season, and by mid to late February, their mating season begins. The female's gestation period lasts for about 4 to 6 weeks after a successful mating. The female will generally lay 20 eggs in a clutch and the eggs will hatch in about 55 to 75 days.

Bearded dragons are a popular species with children because of their friendly and calm nature, and also the easy process of caring for them. An adult bearded dragon should be housed in a 40-55 gallon tank. The top of the tank should have a screen lid because it allows air flow, it allows your lighting and heat sources to work correctly, and it allows humidity to escape the tank. Their diet is pretty simple. They usually eat more bugs when they are younger, but when they are fully grown they will prefer to eat leafy green foods. However, the occasional meat is needed such meal worms and crickets. A typical bearded dragon in captivity had a diet that consists mostly of leafy greens and vegetables along with every other day courses of insects. Their subtrates for their housing mainly include: finely-sifted sand for the floor, water dish, food bowl, insect dish, and also a few branches or a log is a good addition so the bearded dragon can climb. A bearded dragon needs between 12 to 14 hours of daylight, for if not it can causes health problems and it can mess with its circadian rhythm. So proper lighting is required when keeping the species in captivity. For the temperature requirements, it is recommended that the cool side of the tank to be 76 degrees and the hot end should be around 86 degrees. Following these guidelines of captivity should result in a healthy reptile.

To View Specific Locations of the Different Species of the Bearded Dragons, Click on the Link Below:

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